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How To Become A Co-Founder

Our application process is divided into 4 steps. Below you'll find information about how it works and in what order things happen.

Basic Requirements:

1 | Desire, hunger and aspiration towards not being stuck in the rat-race and live an A4 lifestyle.

2 | Entrepreneurial, willingness to learn, and dares to dream.


Book Your Interview

First step in the application process is to schedule an interview with us. During this interview you'll see if this is right for you, and we will evaluate if you're qualified and if we can work together.


Submit your Application

After having scheduled an interview, you are redirected to submit an application. It's important that you complete this, otherwise, we will cancel your interview.



Once your application is submitted, you'll do your interview.



During the interview, the interviewer will evaluate you as an applicant, and either give you an answer on the call, or after the interview is completed.

Read more indepth about the SATCO program and how it works in detail.

Take the first step today, apply now!

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